Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Soo Excited!

My professor told us we don't have to show up to class tomorrow night and my work study teacher said I can have the day off because the gallery will be dead. I can not wait to sew and try tackling some of the seventy-something projects I've had floating around in my head :]

Speaking of projects, I have a brand new one that I can't wait to start...

Ta Daaaa! After about a week of searching the internet for a dollhouse that wasn't outrageously priced, we got this one in at work from a sweet lady who has been hanging on to it for twenty years. I bought it (of course) for $6.99. It definitely needs work but its still pretty adorable. The original decor from twenty years ago was still intact. I love the retro fabric on the walls and the little magazine cut-out rugs and fire.

I decided to strip everything, including taking some of the walls out to make more space in the rooms. I may put them back, I haven't decided yet. I'll be gathering ideas and starting some other new projects in the near future so I will be checking back in soon. <33

Monday, July 19, 2010


I'm new to this so I'm not really sure where to begin...
Maybe I'll tell you a little about myself,
-I am 22 and a visual arts major (though I am thinking of switching to something that will get me a better paying job in the nearer future).
-I have a cat and two ferrets.
- I have a full time job but I am homeless, not because I am irresponsible but because my job sucks and so does Cape Cod.
- I plan on starting an etsy store very soon, once I figure out how to make a presentable banner.
- My boyfriend is the best boyfriend in the world.
-I like to knit, sew, recycle, paint, and create anything possible.
- I have 2 more weeks at my shit hole job before I am not only homeless, but unemployed too so I am relentlessly searching for a job.

I think that's it for now. Once I find my usb cable I can upload some new pics.